195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (2024)

For all chocolate lovers and fans of decadent cocoa treats, these chocolate quotes will make you say, "so true." Enjoy sweet sayings about chocolate, funny chocolate quotes, and short, witty phrases.

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (1)

So what is chocolate for you?

Is it more than just food, like for Patrick Skene Catling? Or maybe is it a mix of feelings, like happiness, ecstasy, and fantasy, the same as what Elaine Sherman feels?

For many, chocolate is a reminder of happiness and joy. It is no wonder that Christelle Le Ru regards it as therapy for her. Ruth Westheimer feels the "sensual pleasure" from eating this guilty treat.

And for Ernst Knam, the king of chocolate, "chocolateis everything, a360 °world."

Let's start a journey to learn the ways you can enjoy chocolate by checking out these famous quotes dedicated just to this delicious treat below.

Jump to:
  • Quotes about chocolate
  • Inspirational chocolate quotes
  • Chocolate love quotes
  • Funny chocolate quotes
  • Short chocolate quotes
  • Dark chocolate quotes
  • Hershey chocolate quotes
  • Hershey kisses quotes
  • Cadbury chocolate quotes
  • Conclusion
  • Comments

Quotes about chocolate

The following cute quotes about chocolate will make you realize why this delicious treat is so special.

1."Everything is good if it's made ofchocolate." - Jo Brand

2. "Other foods are just food.But chocolate is chocolate." - Patrick Skene Catling

3. "To the questions of life, chocolate gives an answer articulated in many cubes and flakes." - Fabrizio Caramagna

4. "Chocolate!This is a word that evokes indescribable ecstasies.Is there a man, a woman or a child who has not desired it, who has not devoured it, and who the next moment has not dreamed of devouring it again?" - Elaine Gonzales

5. "As long as there is chocolate, there will be happiness." - Wayne Gerard Trotman

6. "Chocolate is the greatest gift to women ever created." - Sandra Bullock

7. "People who regularly drink chocolate are distinguished by good health and resistance to all kinds of minor illnesses that disturb the serenity of life." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

8. "Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world's perfect food." -Michael Levine

9. "Strength is the ability to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands and then eat just one of those pieces." - Judith Viorst

10. "My favorite dish is my chocolate mousse. It's like heaven on earth. It's the best chocolate mousse that you could ever imagine. You have to start with the highest-quality chocolate." - Nancy Pelosi

11. "The world is divided into: those who eat chocolate without bread;those who cannot eat chocolate unless they also eat bread;those who don't have chocolate;those who do not have bread." - Stefano Benni

12. "Do you know what chocolate is made of?
It is made of cocoa, dense, strong, velvety.
It is made of abyss, dark, deep, enveloping.
It is made up of dreams, ecstatic, light, mysterious."
- Fabrizio Caramagna

13. "Chocolate: the mixture of toasted cocoa nibs with sugar and cinnamon;because with cocoa alone, we only make cocoa paste and not chocolate." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

14. "Chocolate without sugar, sometimes can be bitter, but it will always be sweeter than a hurting truth." - Carlos Barra

15. "Treat sadness with chocolate and laugh in the faces of passers-by!" - Marina Tsvetaeva

16. "Love chocolate to the fullest, without complex or false shame, because remember: “without a grain of madness, there is no reasonable man." - François de La Rochefoucauld

17. "Do you prefer chocolates or candies?"
"Well, I would discard the candies ..."
- Alessandro Bergonzoni

18. "Venice is like eating an entire box of liqueur chocolates all at once." - Truman Capote

19. "Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed.Chocolate makes it useful." - Anonymous

20. "Chocolate face to face is sumptuous, at the end of a dinner it is superb, it is happiness, a rite, a ceremony." - Sonia Rykiel

21. "Chocolate is ruin, happiness, pleasure, love, ecstasy, fantasy..." - Elaine Sherman

22. "Chocolate is not only palatable, it is also a wonderful balm for the mouth." - Stephani Blancardi

23. "My chocolate bars have become marmalade." - SickBody

24. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." - Robert Zemeckis / Forrest Gump

25. "Chocolate is good with... vanilla, milk, strawberries, ice cream, chocolate!" - Anonymous

26. "Patience is like chocolate... We never have enough!" - Christine Heurtault

27. "People are so worried by nature that if we save them from drowning and, once on the bank, we give them hot chocolate and cakes, they will be afraid of catching cold." - John Jay Chapman

28. "Chocolate plunges otherwise normal beings into strange ecstatic states." - John West

29. "In chocolate there are nuanced shades of black, veiled mysteries of taste, abysses of pleasure." - Fabrizio Caramagna

30. "Does the notion of chocolate contradict the principle of free will?" - Sandra Boynton

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (2)

31. "I like food: hamburgers, pizzas, gnocci, mashed potatoes and especially chocolateI like to eat to eat.Sometimes I'm sad for models who don't eat.When you love food, you love life.When you love life, you love to love." - Laetitia Casta

32. "Now she and I are sitting together in her room and eating chocolate, and I tell her that in the distant future, when we both go to heaven, we should try to get the chairs next to each other, near the dessert table." - Anne Lamott

33. "Dark foods like coffee, chocolate, truffles are often associated with things like excitement and luxury.These dark and strange substances must be very old and full of meaning." - Margaret Visser

34. "Chocolate is, rather than nectar or ambrosia, the true food of the gods." - Joseph Bachot

35. "I couldn't separate my mouth from the delicious edges of his cup.A chocolate to die for, soft, velvety, fragrant, intoxicating." - Guy de Maupassant

36. "Lifewithoutchocolateis alifethat lacks somethingimportant." - Frederic Morton

37. "Reminiscent of childhood memories, luxury, sweetness and sensuality, chocolate is more than just a food – it is therapy." - Christelle Le Ru

38. "Don't ruin a sublime chocolate experience by feeling guilty." - Lora Brody

39. "To angels, God gave wings, to humans, chocolate." - Anonymous

40. "My desire for chocolate has seldom diminished, even in times of great peril." - Marcel Desaulnier

41. "Anyone who has drunk a cup of chocolate resists a day of travel." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

42. "I learned about the only two remedies forpain,sadness, paturnias and similar sores of thehumanheart : they arechocolateand time ... Imeanthat when you feel sad and grief, you just need toeata little ofchocolateorwaita while." - Tommaso Landolfi

43. "Life is like chocolate: you should enjoy it piece for piece and let it slowly melt on your tongue." - Nina Sandmann

44. "Good chocolate should be listed as a masterpiece, a sculpture, an artist's proof, and taste it sweetly while drinking hot oriental tea, listening to Mozart." - Sonia Rykiel

45. "I can'tlivewithoutchocolate, I always carry aboxin my bag." - Nancy Meyers

46. "Chocolateis everything, a360 °world. Unfortunately, we often forget that it is not born as such, the tablets are not collected from trees.At the base there are the cocoa beans, from which the chocolate is then extracted in all its forms and textures." - Ernst Knam

47. "I don't drown my pains.I choke them with chocolate." - Anonymous

48. "When I was a kid, all I loved were books and chocolate." - Sonia Rykiel

49. "Chocolate is divine, soft, sensual, deep.Black, sumptuous, gratifying, powerful, dense, creamy, seductive, suggestive, rich, excessive, silky, soft, luxurious, heavenly..." - Elaine Sherman

50. "A bar of chocolate.
You don't have to just try it.You have to choose it with curious and impatient eyes.
You don't have to just taste it.You must have it.
You don't have to just swallow it.You have to bring it up in the mind."
- Fabrizio Caramagna

51. "My father and mother had almost no time for me. I remembered that I was not needed by anyone, and all my life I doubted that it could be otherwise. Chocolate was my only love, and it never betrayed me." - Audrey Hepburn

52. "Chocolate is a good thing.There are young ladies who love only the bitter variety - haughty gourmets." - Vladimir Nabokov

53. "If I have chocolate around, I will eat it. I love it, I love it, I love it. I like a piece every day." - Julia Louis-Dreyfus

54. "God isn't chocolate, he's the encounter between chocolate and the palate capable of appreciating it." - Amelie Nothomb

Inspirational chocolate quotes

If you are looking for some inspiration to make your day sweeter, these quotes about chocolate will be just what you need.

55. "Let's celebrate our agreement by adding some milk chocolate." - Homer Simpson

56. "Everywhere in the world there are tensions – economic, political, religious. So we need chocolate." - Alain Ducasse

57. "Chocolate and sweets, two things that make life worth living." - Gianni Monduzzi

58. "Happiness sometimes comes through chocolate." - Ibousto

59. "When I feel myself getting overwhelmed, I take a deep breath and eat a piece of chocolate."- Adrian Grenier

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (3)

60. "Take chocolate so that the meanest companies seem good to you." - Madame de Sévigné

61. "You just need a little perspective. Warmed chocolate can give you that."- Giada De Laurentiis

62. "I pray. I meditate. I eat chocolate. I dance." - Elizabeth Perkins

63. "When you feel like dying, chocolate tastes even better than usual." - Romain Gary

64. "Life is like chocolate, it's the bitter that makes you appreciate the sugar." - Xavier Brebion

65. "Patience is like chocolate... You can never have enough of it!" - Christelle Heurtault

66. "Chocolate makes everyone happy. Sharing chocolates with others is a form of communication which says, You can share all your sweet and dark secrets with me." - Ruchi Prabhu

67. "An idea is like a pain au chocolat.You have to let it cool to see if it is really good." - Serge Uzzan

68. "And the truth is thatmencome and go in our lives, they can bringjoyorpainbut whatever happens we have our friendship andchocolate, no one can take themaway." - Carole Matthews

Chocolate love quotes

Chocolate is closely associated with love, and it is seen as both an aphrodisiac and antidepressant.

The list of romantic chocolate quotes could go even longer, but these few examples represent the pleasures of chocolate and love well enough.

69. "Nothing is more romantic than chocolate." - Ted Allen

70. "Chocolate says 'I'm sorry' so much better than words." - Rachel Vincent

71. "Chocolate symbolizes, as does no other food, luxury, comfort, sensuality, gratification, and love." - Karl Petzke

72. "The taste of chocolate is a sensual pleasure in itself, which belongs to the same sphere as the sexual one … As far as I'm concerned, I can enjoy the mischievous pleasure of chocolate … entirely by myself. Discretion makes it better." - Ruth Westheimer

73. "Chocolate is not something you can take or leave, something you like only moderately. You don't like chocolate. You don't even love chocolate. Chocolate is something you have an affair with."- Geneen Roth

74. "When we don’t have the words chocolate can speak volumes." - Joan Bauer

75. "There is nothing more aphrodisiac than a chocolate mousse spread on the skin, but make sure that the skin is yours, because if you brush your partner with mousse, then you will have to lick it and it is very high caloric potential." - Isabel Allende

76. "Moderation, honey, in all things but love and chocolate. That’s my motto." - Barbara Bretton

77. "A good morning greets you with a cup of hot latte, but only love can add a sprinkle of chocolate." - S. Lawrence

78. "Women need chocolate. It’s a scientific fact." - Sophie Kinsella

79. "Don't think chocolate is a substitute for love... Love is a substitute for chocolate." - Miranda Ingram

80. "Chocolate is a living matter, it has its own inner language.Only when it feels the object of intimate attention, and only then, does it cease to bewitch the throat and begin to dialogue with the senses." - Alexander Von Humboldt

81. "When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile." - Regina Brett

82. "All you need islove, but a littlechocolatefrom time to time doesn't hurt!" - Charles M. Schulz

83. "Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, the same substance that the brain releases when we are in love.So why fall in love?Eat chocolate!" - Anonymous

84. "The love?Overrated.From a biochemical point of view it is no different than a big feast of chocolate." - John Milton

85. "Chocolate also has a symbolic value in the rituals of amorous courtship.What woman hasn't seen her defenses collapse in front of a box of chocolates?" - Isabel Allende

86. "Happy chocolate, who after having traveled the world, through the smiles of women, finds death in a tasty and melting kiss from their mouths." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

87. "Chocolate makes us perverse, it awakens guilt in us, it pushes us to sin, it gives us health, it makes us chic and happy." - Elaine Sherman

88. "Chocolate is of course the stuff dreams are made of.Rich, dark, silky, sweet dreams that cloud the senses and arouse the passions." - Judith Olney

89. "The most beautiful love verses can be used to conquer a woman or to wrap chocolates." - Fabio Fazio

90. "How do you feel when the vanilla fudgemelts inyour mouth for the first time?Not surprisingly, thisfeelingis used to describe the intensity ofloveandsex. " - Sidney Wilfred Mintz

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (4)

91. "Chocolate it's like words of love, it's good for morale." - Light

92. "I don't know anything more erotic than a bar with a high percentage of cocoa." - Paul Loup Sulitzer

Funny chocolate quotes

If you are looking for funny chocolate sayings to entertain your friends and make them laugh, this is the perfect list.

93. "Research tells us that fourteen out of ten people love chocolate." - Sandra Boynton

94. "Put "eating chocolate" at the top of your to-do list today.In this way, at least one thing you will do." - Anonymous

95. "Chocolatemakes everyonesmile- even bankers." - Benneville Strohecker

96. "What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime ofchocolate." - Katharine Hepburn

97. "Chocolate is an antidepressant, so it's ideal when you start gaining weight." - Jason Love

98. "Exercise is a dirty word… Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate." - Charles M. Schultz

99. "Chocolate is cheaper than therapy, and you don't need an appointment." - Jill Shalvis

100. "Nine out of tenpeople likechocolate. The tenth person always lies." - John Tullius

101. "Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your brain." - Dave Barry

102. "Men can be divided into two categories: those who like chocolate and those who don't want to admit it." - Anonymous

103. "Good chocolate won't make you sick.It won't even make you fat." - Robert Linxie

104. "Without chocolate, we would have to find something else to do with the fruit and nuts." - Anthony T. Hincks

105. "Even if you give a cow a drink of cocoa you will not milk chocolate." - Stanislaw Lec

106. "Aren't you going to ruin your teeth with all that chocolate?""But I have a friend who is a dentist."“I mean, someone who has a dentist friend then has to ruin his teeth.And if I had a pathologist friend what should I do?". - Marrakesh Express

107. "They say chocolate replaces sex in many brain chemical functions.I didn't know I had so much sex ..." - Guru

108. "Some people when they see cheese, chocolate or cake they don't think of calories." - Amit Kalantri, "Wealth Of Words."

109. "I don't believe in love phrases contained in chocolates. The only sentence they should put in is "You're gaining weight, you idiot!" - Geppi Cucciari

110. "Once we hit forty, women only have about four taste buds left: one for vodka, one for wine, one for cheese, and one for chocolate." - Gina Barreca.

111. "There is nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate." - Linda Grayson

112. "Money can’t buy happiness. But, it can buy a chocolate, which is pretty much the same thing." - Hanako Ishii

113. "Opposites that attract.Like orange peel and chocolate." - Fabrizio Caramagna

114. "Who said that chocolate is not one of the main energetics of the human diet?Seems more nutritious to me than beans and broccoli, just to name a few." - Isabel Allende

115. "If you give her some chocolates, she's on a diet.If you give her flowers, she's allergic." - Anonymous

116. "A25-gram bar ofchocolate equals four kilos offat." - Arthur Bloch

117. "The 12-step chocolate program: Never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate!" - Terry Moore

118. "Man can't live on chocolate alone, but woman can." - Anonymous

119. "Ifchocolateis atasteof Heaven, what does the fact that it is within everyone'sreachmean?" - David Augsberger

120. "In a perfect world, neither chocolate nor alcohol would have so many calories." - John Gratton

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (5)

121. "If there is no chocolate in heaven, I don't want to go!" - Jane Seabrook

122. "Men are like chocolate bars. Sweet, smooth and usually point to your hips." - Susan Savannah

123. "Nothing heals the soul like chocolate.[…] Chocolate is God's excuse for broccoli." - Richard Paul Evans

124. "A good cup ofchocolatearound 11 in themorningopens thestomachforlunch." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

125. "Interesting. Sex works even better than chocolate for behavior modification. I wonder if science has already discovered this." - Jim Parsons

126. "Achocolatedoesn't askstupidquestions, it gives immediate answers." - Carlo Pin

127. "Forget the diamonds, it's chocolate, I think you'll agree, girls' best friend." - Carole Matthews

128. "Attention!Chocolate can reduce the size of your clothes." - Anonymous

129. "Researchers have found that chocolate produces reactions in the brain similar to those of marijuana... They have also found other similarities but can't remember them anymore!" - Matt Lauer

130. "I know that God is aman.If he were awomanhe would havecreatedchocolateflavoredsperm." - Carrie Snow

131. "This chocolate bar and I will have no more secrets for each other by the end of the evening." - Fabrizio Caramagna

132. "Put the chocolate in your bag and you will never get hurt." - Fragmentarius

133. "The greatest tragedies were written by the Greek Sophocles and the English Shakespeare.They both did not know chocolate." - Sandra Boynton

134. "Self-discipline involves some unpleasant things for me, for example staying away from chocolate and keeping my hands off women's skirts." - Oleg Kiselev

135. "Men are like chocolate.At first they are all very sweet but then a bitter aftertaste always comes out.Fortunately, there are also reliable ones such as gianduiotti: they do not disappoint even after a feast." - Tina Grube

136. "Is the mother of an Easter egg a chocolate hen?" - From Children's Words / Enfandises.com

137. "Boy bands have their shirts open so you can see their chocolate bar and tight pants so you can see the hazelnuts!" - Laurent Ruquier

138. "What are cartridges used for in a battle?Me, instead, I always take chocolate." - George Bernard Shaw

139."Switzerland: Since its two national products, snow and chocolate, melted away, the cuckoo clock was invented so that tourists would have something solid as a souvenir!" - Alan Coren

140. "If God were a woman, the world would work better.And there would be fewer calories in chocolate and more in endives." - Alix Girod

141. "On the sixth day, God created the Clown, Antonet, Pipo, Bario, Paul, Albert and François Fratellini, Little Walter, Footit and Chocolat, Grock... On the seventh day, he had to rest because he was still laughing!" - Jean-Paul Farré

142. "Sexuality? It's like when you ate too much chocolate. Then we have a liver attack …" - Brigitte Bardot

143. "Art is already advertising.The Mona Lisa could have served as a support for a brand of chocolate, Coca-Cola or anything else." - Andy Warhol

144. "You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar." - George Carlin

145. "If I were a school principal, I would get rid of the history teacher and replace him with a chocolate teacher;my students would study at least one subject that concerns them all." - Roald Dahl

146. "Remember the days when you let your child have some chocolate if he finished his cereal? Now, chocolate is one of the cereals." - Robert Orben

147. "If a Snickers chocolate bar has 50% sugar, wouldn't it be safe to eat the other half?" - Wakas Mir

148. "I could give up chocolate but I'm not a quitter." - Lora Brody

149. "In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips." - Salman Rushdie

150. "After about 20 years of marriage, I'm finally starting to scratch the surface of what women want. And I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate." - Mel Gibson

151. "Caramels are only a fad. Chocolate is a permanent thing." - Milton S. Hershey

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (6)

Short chocolate quotes

We all need a little chocolate now and then. What better way than with these short but sweet quotes from the world's greatest minds.

152. "No chocolate - no breakfast!" - Charles Dickens

153. "Everysensibleperson loveschocolate." - Bob Greene

154. "Chocolate is happiness that you can eat." - Ursula Kohaupt

155. "Tobacco can kill, chocolate can't." - Fidel Castro

156. "Life is just a Box of Chocolates." - James Lipton

157. "Money can talk, but chocolate sings." - Anonymous

158. "If I die eating chocolate, I'll die happy." - Cailey Sims

159. "Everyone has a price - mine is chocolate." - Anonymous

160. "What is health?It's chocolate!" - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

161. "When no one understands you, chocolate is there." - Daniel Worona

162. "Chocolate is a gift of love to yourself." - Sonja Blumenthal

163. "Save the earth.It is the only planet with chocolate" - Anonymous

164. "Chocolate is the answer.Who cares what the question is." - Anonymous

165. "Chocolate is comfort without words." - Ursula Kohaupt.

166. "Look, there’s no metaphysics on earth likechocolate." - Fernando Pessoa

167. "Chocolate is ground from the beans of happiness." - Terri Guillemets

168. "If chocolate is the answer….the question is irrelevant." - Kim Knott

169. "My favorite color ischocolate." - Anonymous

170. "I never met a chocolate I didn’t like." - Deanna Troi

171. "Chocolate should be savored, not rushed." - Rick Riordan

172. "Chocolate: the poor man’s champagne." - Daniel Worona

Dark chocolate quotes

The most delicious, crave-worthy food can also be one of the best slimming foods.

Dark chocolate is an ideal addition to any weight loss plan as one square only contains about 40 calories.

173. "Dark chocolate, and salt and vinegar chips are my weakness - but not together." - Gail Simmons

174. "I'm a sensualist. My two main indulgences are dark chocolate and massages." - Carla Gugino

175. "You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about." - Ray Nagin

176. "Dark chocolateimproves the day, sweetensthoughtsand merges them into a message oflove." - Angela Randisi

177. "I love nothing more than a good, rich, dark chocolate. It exhilarates. It satisfies." - Abigail Spencer

178. "I adore dark chocolate." - Diane von Furstenberg

179. "Every day I eat the four essential nutrients for good health: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and cocoa." - Debra Tracy

180. "There are four basic food groups: plain chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate." - Jill Shalvis

181. "White Chocolate. Intense, sweet. But not deep. Okay for prom dates or flings, but not to get serious... Milk chocolates are guys you could date for like a few months, and dark chocolates are for love." - E. Lockhart

182. "My weakness is dark chocolate. I carry little tins of it in my purse." - Sharon Stone

183. "I love dark chocolate - I could eat it 'til I puke." - Behati Prinsloo

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (7)

Hershey chocolate quotes

The perfect way to start your day is with a delicious, sweet treat. You will love the quotes devoted to the Hershey brand.

184. "I'm pretty sure that eating chocolate keeps wrinkles away because I have never seen a 10 year old with a Hershey bar and crows feet." - Amy Neftzger

185. "He said "woman" in the same way I'd say "Mmmmm, yummy chocolate" after waking up from hunger pains and finding a Hershey bar in an empty refrigerator." - Ilona Andrews

186. "I love Hershey's chocolate. I feel the same about chocolate as I do about wine. Connoisseurs like dark chocolate and they like nasty wine that doesn't taste good to me. I don't get it!" - Paula Deen

Hershey kisses quotes

How cute these quotes are. I hope you love the tasty flavor of Hershey's kisses too.

187. "When I wake up the next morning, there's a Hershey's Kiss sitting on the table beside me." - Rick Yancey

188. "I try to eat pretty healthy, but I do love carbs. So, I'm not the person who could stick to a perfectly healthy diet. I love chocolate too so I always have dark chocolate Hershey's kisses in my purse ready for me to have throughout the day. Dark chocolate is my weakness!" - Tara Lipinski

189. "I was the offbeat character that had to kiss the offbeat boys and, ugh, some of the boys they brought in. There was one boyfriend in particular, we had to climb a mountain, and he was just weird and awful, and I hated it. So the producers left a big bag of Hershey Kisses after that taping saying, "Here are some kisses you will actually enjoy. Thanks for doing this." Isn't that so nice?" - Andrea Barber

190. "Why couldn't Jesus command us to obsess over everything, to try to control and manipulate people, to try not to breathe at all, or to pay attention, stomp away to brood when people annoy us, and then eat a big bag of Hershey's Kisses in bed?" - Anne Lamott

Cadbury chocolate quotes

These are some of the most delicious chocolate quotes you have ever heard!

191. "If you start a chocolate company, you can't compete with Cadbury in the first ten years because they are a big company." - Tamim Iqbal

192. "I have less friends, but I have more Cadbury Eggs." - Greg Behrendt

193. "I lied on my Weight Watchers list. I put down that I had 3 eggs... but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs." - Caroline Rhea

194. "I train for about an hour five days a week and feel I'm in the best shape I've ever been. I can eat what I want and that includes scoffing half a big bar of Cadbury's a day." - Peter Andre

195. "I eat like a horse - my mother still brings me Cadbury's chocolate from Britain; I do have a very healthy appetite - but I work out." - Catherine Zeta-Jones


I hope you enjoyed this collection of chocolate sayings and quotes for chocolate lovers. Don't forget to pin this post to Pinterest so you can come back later.

If you are a dessert lover, you might like thebest dessert quotes.

The baker inside of you is probably eager to express herself through baking. Show off some creativity with these cake quotes and cookie aphorisms!

Note: The quotes' spelling and grammar match with the source.

If you want to share a chocolate quote or know the quote's author marked as "anonymous," please, email me at hello@bakinglikeachef.com.

195 Best Chocolate Quotes And Sayings (2024)


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